
I want to talk about someone I met a couple of weeks ago, let’s call him Mick.

I was out with my camera in the area now known as Circus West Village, the riverside area east of Chelsea Bridge and not quite in front of Battersea Power station. I was hoping to get a good photograph of the power station and its reflection in the water feature.

So I changed lenses, putting on a wide angle lens, when a guy cycled behind me, alongside then onto the water feature.

After doing a circuit, the guy circled around and stopped next to me asking if I had got any good photographs. I laughed and showed him what I had taken

and said I could do better. He talked for a while, introduced himself as Mick, and regaled me with stories of riding the bike into the garden of his local pub regularly, until the management changed and the new manager served him with an ASBO! Mick went on to tell me how most of the security guards around the West Village were OK with him riding his bike but one, who he referred to as Hitler, didn’t like it at all. After chatting a bit more and working out where he would ride I changed lenses and he set off again.

I was happier with these photographs, and have since emailed the photographs to Mick, he very much appreciated them. I told him I still thought that I could do better but the moon and stars would have to align first!

Oh and after Mick left I carried on with my attempt to get a photograph of the power station and its reflection in the water feature,

I think I got it!

N.B. Mick isn’t his real name!